Archive for September, 2009

Body Beautiful!

September 18, 2009

We have been asked back to Kron4’s daytime show, Body Beautiful! Simply Beautiful owner, Michele Miller will be talking all about the wraps on Monday, September 21st at 11:30 a.m.

Simply Beautiful has also been contemplating a special monthly program for our clients. Upon signing up for this program, clients will receive one wrap per month for a super discounted rate that can automatically be deducted from their checking account. We would love to hear your feedback regarding this potential new program!

September’s almost over which means so will the 15% off discount! Don’t hold off on getting this discount. Call to schedule your appointment now! 1.888.WRAP.101

Fall Into Cellulite Removal

September 11, 2009

We hope everyone had a fun and relaxing Labor Day Weekend! Our 15% off discount was so popular in preparation for the long weekend that Simply Beautiful is actually extending this offer until the end of September! Call us today at 1.888.WRAP.101!

Today, we remember the victims of the terrorist attack that occurred on September 11, 2001. Thank you to those who serve and help protect our country to keep all of us away from harm and danger.

With Fall only a couple weeks away, we thought it would be appropriate to post a previously published article about what to do in autumn to keep that cellulite away:

Fall Into Cellulite Removal

Do you ever feel like you cannot get a grasp on the seasons of the year? By the time we get used to Summer, swim suits and hanging out by the pool, then the Fall season comes speeding up forcing us to cover-up our toned bodies that we worked so hard for. The fact of the matter is that every three months we have to buy a new wardrobe and filter out the clothes we won’t see for another year. BN229096

So now that Summer is just about over, we know that in about six more months those more revealing clothes are going to come out of the boxes in closet, which also means CELLULITE! It so convenient to put on the long pants and shirts that cover us up all Fall and Winter but it is so challenging to remove the cellulite. So let’s remove it for good!

Cellulite removal is difficult so it is important to know why. There are three components to why cellulite happens: 1) Waste, 2) Water Retention and 3) Poor Circulation. This vicious cycle starts with waste, or impurities, that clog and pollute our bodies. These are things like medications, sugar-free foods, smoke, pollution, alcohol, and preservatives. Basically, these are pollutants that your body cannot filter out naturally.

Secondly, water retention is an imbalance of fluids which is regulated by hormones, sodium and your kidneys. For example, if salty foods are consumed in excess, then your blood becomes saltier as well. This forces cells to pull water out to dilute the blood. Finally, poor circulation is a direct result of a lack of oxygen to the cells. Low oxygen decreases fat burning around the cellulite. In essence, cellulite is waste- and water-logged cells with no oxygen, making cellulite removal a definite challenge.

During the Fall and Winter we pile on the clothes and sometimes some pounds with warming comfort food and holiday sweets and treats. This also means the impurities build up around the holidays. Even if you hit the gym everyday you might not removal all your cellulite (This is why you see the fittest of people with the cellulite dimples on their legs and thighs.) So to survive in the cold seasons this year, remove those impurities and avoid the foods that create cellulite, especially artificial sweeteners like sucralose, aspartame, etc. If you’re going to have a soda, don’t do the diet. Your body can actually process the real sugar out – the fake stuff just gets stored in the body. Also drink plenty of water and avoid the high sodium foods. And lastly, get your exercise and you will easily fall into cellulite removal.

Vicki Espiritu
– Marketing Manager

Brazilian Wax

September 4, 2009

It’s the first Friday in September which means get ready for that long weekend! You’ve worked hard all summer so take this weekend to relax and have fun! If you still need to get your body wrap for Labor Day and take advantage of our 15% off discount, then call us today at 1.888.WRAP.101!

We thought it would be a fun idea to republish one of our most popular articles for your reading pleasure! Take a look at this article about Brazilian Waxing:

The Brazilian Wax
What in the world possesses us to remove our bottoms in front of a stranger, have hot wax smoothed over our most sensitive area and have it ripped off a few seconds later in excruciating pain, all by nothing more than our own personal desire to get a Brazilian wax? Everyone has a different reason for why they get a Brazilian wax (convenience, less irritation than shaving, etc) but what’s the real process and the difference between a bikini wax and Brazilian wax. For some of the timid out there, let’s fill you in on the process.

1) Your friendly and licensed esthetician will allow you to dress out of your clothes in a private room. She will most likely give you something to wear or drape over yourself so you are not sitting and waiting uncomfortably.

2) The esthetician will apply some sort of product, like oil or talcum powder, to the skin so the wax will remove hair – not layers of skin.

Note: If the hair is longer than ¼ inch, expect you esthetician to trim the hair down so it is easier to wax.

3) Now the fun part starts. Hot wax is smoothed over a section of hair to be removed and allowed to cool for a few seconds. There are different types of wax popular for a Brazilian: strip and hard wax. Strip wax is what is used, for the most part, for eyebrow waxing and also used in that infamous waxing scene of the hit movie 40-Year-Old Virgin. Hard wax, on the other hand, hardens without the need of a strip and is pulled off when it has cooled enough to change from a liquid form to a solid (this is Chemistry at its best!). Many people prefer hard wax to strip wax but it is a personal preference. You may want to ask when you make an appointment what type of wax will be used for your own knowledge before you go in.

4) The removal: The strip/wax is pulled in the direction opposite of the hair growth in one swift, pain-free motion… Ok, so maybe not pain-free but won’t it look and feel nice when you’re done? Some people say to take an aspirin 30 to 60 minutes before to handle the pain, but you can live without it. Really, it’s not too bad.

5) This process is continued until you are as smooth as a baby’s bottom from front to back.

Note: It is very important that you make a note if the esthetician is double-dipping their stick. This is very unsanitary and can cause many bacterial infections.

6) Tweezers are used to remove any hairs that tried to escape the goopy wax. Some think this is the most tedious and painful part so beware.

7) Finally, soothing lotion or oil is applied to help with redness, irritation and ingrown hairs… Whew!

BN229023So that’s it! You’re done. I know it might not have been fun, but it’s like going to the gynecologist: You are forced by yourself to go and afterward, even though you hated it, you are glad you went for your personal well-being. Plus you only have to go back every 3 to 4 weeks.

Now I know you’re wondering the difference between a Brazilian wax and a bikini. Well, the Brazilian has a few options. You can have your esthetician remove everything from everywhere, or they can leave what many call a “landing strip” or a little vertical strip of hair in the front which will be trimmed. Estheticians can get creative by giving the remaining hair a design, such as a heart. A bikini wax, however, removes hair that follows the panty line. According to some estheticians, once you go past a certain point in the front it is considered a Brazilian so you may want to ask your particular esthetician where their boundaries are.

You are now a well-educated, informed individual about Brazilian waxing so go out and have fun getting waxed! And remember to thank your esthetician no matter how painful the session is – they are just doing their job.

For more information about our personal waxing services, visit our website at

Vicki Espiritu
-Marketing Manager