Archive for June, 2011

Beautiful Skin for Summer

June 6, 2011


Why do our hands age faster than other areas?

Hand skin is naturally thinner and thins more as we age. Frequent hand washing and sanitizing hand gels cause dryness of the skin and cuticles. Hands are also more exposed to UV light and the environment than other parts of our body. Hand and nail treatments help to shield against everyday damage that ages hands. Always use a sunscreen in the daytime and intense hand recovery cream before bedtime.

Also remember that your skin is precious so make sure you wear sunscreen daily! Even on overcast days, UVA and UVB rays can damage the skin. Use a sunscreen with at least SPF 30 when you are outside – apply liberally and often. Find a body lotion and face moisturizer with SPF. It is worth pay a few bucks more now to keep your skin healthy for life!